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Reedición en CD del primer EP de 4 canciones de la banda holandesa de blues y rock psicodélico Dewolff, publicado en 2015. Editado por Electrosaurus Records/Suburban Records, los hemanos Van De Poel y Robin Piso comenzaban a despuntar dentro del circuito europeo con bombazos como éstos. Lanzado originalmente en 2008.




  1. Fishing night at noon
  2. Gold and seaweed
  3. Yellow rat magic blues
  4. The thrills that come along with the landing of a flying saucer

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Reedición en CD del primer EP de 4 canciones de la banda holandesa de blues y rock psicodélico Dewolff, publicado en 2015. Editado por Electrosaurus Records/Suburban Records, los hemanos Van De Poel y Robin Piso comenzaban a despuntar dentro del circuito europeo con bombazos como éstos. Lanzado originalmente en 2008.


Psychedelic-blues renegades DeWolff return to display the full force of their live experience on their new record ‘Live & Outta Sight II’. Following the release of 2018s ‘THRUST’ and the acclaim that followed, the band picked up the prestigious Dutch Edison Award for ‘Best Rock Band’ in February, which capped off an incredible 9 months and saw the band play over 100 shows across 13 countries – The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Lithuania, Italy, Denmark, UK, Czech Republic, Austria and their first trip to Indonesia.


Many of the songs on ‘Live & Outta Sight II’ are taken from ‘THRUST,’ which is a testament to how well the songs have connected with the fans. Pablo explains, “Once we started playing the songs from our new album live they started living their own life. We use the album track as a foundation and playing together, having fun, somehow always takes us to a 2.0 version of this song.” The record includes new fan favourites ‘Double Crossing Man’, ‘Deceit & Woo’ and ‘Big Talk’ as well as older favourites ‘Medicine’ and ‘Don’t You Go Up The Sky’.




  1. Fishing night at noon
  2. Gold and seaweed
  3. Yellow rat magic blues
  4. The thrills that come along with the landing of a flying saucer

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