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The Ways of the Gingerpig

El precio original era: 9,90€.El precio actual es: 9,70€. IVA Incluido

Edición en vinilo con carpeta desplegable de «The Ways of the Gingerpig», álbum debut del cuarteto neerlandés de rock Gingerpig. Publicado en 2011 por Suburban Records, la formación liderada por Boudewijn Bonebakker grabó estas primeras 8 canciones bajo el influjo del rock 70’s y el blues psicodélico, en una fusión versátil y descarriada que obtuvo grandes críticas de la prensa especializada.




  • A1 Indefinite Muddle Of Conspiracies
  • A2 Pipedream
  • A3 March Of The Gingerpig
  • A4 Dimlighted Heart
  • B1 Digging With Bare Hands
  • B2 Undefined Call
  • B3 Joe Cool (The Fool)
  • B4 Blind To Reason

1 disponibles


Edición en vinilo con carpeta desplegable de «The Ways of the Gingerpig», álbum debut del cuarteto neerlandés de rock Gingerpig. Publicado en 2011 por Suburban Records, la formación liderada por Boudewijn Bonebakker grabó estas primeras 8 canciones bajo el influjo del rock 70’s y el blues psicodélico, en una fusión versátil y descarriada que obtuvo grandes críticas de la prensa especializada.


Ways Of The Gingerpig is an album by Gingerpig, released in 2011. The album is a rock LP. Gingerpig was founded in 2009 by Boudewijn Bonebakker, previously know for his work with Gorefest and whom following graduated at the conservatory with the music of Purcell and Bach. It characterizes the versatility of the band that went through turbulent times but came back out cleansed. The quartet became a trio and rediscovered itself. With the new album Hidden From View, the band unleashed and forged into a compact collective that is ready for the limelight.


In 2011 Gingerpig surprised the music world with The Ways Of The Gingerpig. A wayward mixture of seventies-rock, blues, fusion and post-metal. The record garnered excellent reviews but for many the ways of the seemed almost too versatile. A secret tip among connaisseurs but difficult to label. The title of the new album seems to be a direct reference to that.




  • A1 Indefinite Muddle Of Conspiracies
  • A2 Pipedream
  • A3 March Of The Gingerpig
  • A4 Dimlighted Heart
  • B1 Digging With Bare Hands
  • B2 Undefined Call
  • B3 Joe Cool (The Fool)
  • B4 Blind To Reason

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The Ways of the Gingerpig

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