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Loudon Wainright III

El precio original era: 18,50€.El precio actual es: 18,13€. IVA Incluido

Reeditado en vinilo de 180 gramos en el año 2009 por Sony Music ‘Unrequited’ es el título del quinto trabajo de estudio de Loudon Wainright III. Producido por el mismo vocalista, compositor, guitarrista y actor norteamericano, contiene 14 canciones de folk rock y pop. Fue publicado originalmente en 1975 por Columbia Records. Edición limitada americana.




  1. Sweet nothings
  2. The lowly tourist
  3. Kings and queens
  4. Kick in the head
  5. Whatever happened to us
  6. Crime of passion
  7. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
  8. On the rocks
  9. Guru
  10. Mr. Guilty
  11. The untitled
  12. Unrequited to the nth degree
  13. Old friend
  14. Rufus is a tit man

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Reeditado en vinilo de 180 gramos en el año 2009 por Sony Music ‘Unrequited’ es el título del quinto trabajo de estudio de Loudon Wainright III. Producido por el mismo vocalista, compositor, guitarrista y actor norteamericano, contiene 14 canciones de folk rock y pop. Fue publicado originalmente en 1975 por Columbia Records. Edición limitada americana.


More Love Songs is an album by Loudon -Iii- Wainwright, released in 2003. More Love Songs includes a.o. the following tracks: “Hard Day On The Planet”, “Your Mother & I”, “Vampire Blues”, “Overseas Call” and more. The album is a singer-songwriter CD.


Haven’t Got The Blues (yet) is an album by Loudon -Iii- Wainwright, released in 2014. The album is a folk CD. After thirty albums, a Grammy, many film and TV credits, and songs recorded by such artists as Johnny Cash, Mose Allison, Bonnie Raitt and his son Rufus, Wainwright is perhaps our foremost six-string analyst and tragicomedian. And with Lifetime Achievement his “unmatched wit and wisdom” (NPR) has never been on sharper display. Lifetime Achievement finds LWIII in a state of deep reflection at age 75, over a set of 15 recently written, insightful and incisive gems that he wasn’t even planning to pen.




  1. Sweet nothings
  2. The lowly tourist
  3. Kings and queens
  4. Kick in the head
  5. Whatever happened to us
  6. Crime of passion
  7. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
  8. On the rocks
  9. Guru
  10. Mr. Guilty
  11. The untitled
  12. Unrequited to the nth degree
  13. Old friend
  14. Rufus is a tit man

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